I've recently been learning Photoshop and have been trying out a few things with some old pictures as well as some new ones. Here are some samples of the before and after pictures as well as an explanation of some of the adjustments I made.
This picture was originally taken with a point and shoot camera so the quality is low. I was able to get it to have a little more punch by increasing the vibrance and burning the edges.
Similar effects were added to this photo I also croped and blurred the edges.
My daughter has been the model for many of my initial photos (thanks Katee). For this photo some cropping and and edge burning were used. I also used a black and white layer but gave it a slightly opaque look to expose the underlying color. A stray hair that was on the left side of her face has been removed on the finished image.
Beside cropping this photo and burning the edges a soft light layer was added to give the color some depth, the eyes were also sharpend. If you look closely I have removed the hair that came across the right side of her face.
Not much needed for this photo--straight from the camera--the vibrance was increased, the eyes sharpened and the frame cropped.
These photos of my youngest daughter were taken by me from a point and shoot camera without a flash and using natural light on a dark background. The contrast was increased to darken the background and the the frame was rotated and cropped. Some blemishes on the chest were also removed.
Same effect with this photo. Notice the improved blending of the backdrop.
Here you can notice a dramatic change to the backdrop and how it masks the difference in material used. I also removed some dry skin that was visible around her ankle.

There is a subtle difference between the original and the PS copy, some edge detail and increasing the saturation on the sky blue.

Cropping and vibrance were used to give this picture more depth.
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